Immerse yourself in the captivating story of Miss Augustine Soubeiran (1858-1933) at our next Philo Bistro event, on Wednesday, 10th April. Nelly Duret, a distinguished historian, author, and teacher from the Cévennes region in France, will delve into Soubeiran's educational philosophy and share insights into her amazing life.
As a co-founder of Kambala, one of Sydney's premier schools, Soubeiran stands as an influential French educator whose journey through academia and society drew inspiration from literary giants like Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters. As a two-time President of the Alliance Française de Sydney, she played a pivotal role in the French-Australian Assistance League during WW1, and is commemorated for her courage, vision, and altruism in raising funds to support soldiers, their widows, and orphaned families.
Join our long-standing host, Oliver Vojetta, for an evening filled with learning and laughter. Secure your seat at Philo Bistro and be part of a fascinating exploration of history and education.